5 Tips For Anyone Having Their Wisdom Teeth Removed

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Do you need to have your wisdom teeth removed and feel a bit nervous about the procedure? If so, it will help to know some tips that will help you with the surgery and recovery process.

Consider Twilight Sedation

You will likely be given a couple of options for what type of dental sedation you want for your wisdom teeth removal surgery. While laughing gas can be a viable option, you should consider a form of twilight sedation instead. Twilight sedation means that you are asleep for the procedure through IV sedation. You are still conscious and can respond to questioning during twilight sedation, but you'll wake up with no memory of the procedure happening.

Rest After The Procedure

Know that recovering from wisdom tooth extraction requires plenty of rest. As much as you want to resume your normal activities right after the procedure is finished, it is best to take it easy and lay in bed or on the couch for a couple of days. This actually helps you recover faster from the surgery because you don't have to worry about blood clots becoming dislodged, and that rest will help reduce inflammation in your mouth. Use the surgery as an excuse to be lazy for a little bit.

Use Ibuprofen To Deal With Pain And Swelling

You'll want to have ibuprofen on hand to help deal with the pain and swelling. While over-the-counter ibuprofen is fine, your dentist may prescribe you a prescription version that has a higher dosage. The reason for taking ibuprofen is because it is an anti-inflammatory medication that also acts as a pain reliever, which are your two biggest needs after the surgery. 

Have Soft Foods On Hand

You should not chew hard foods after your surgery, which is why it will help to have those soft foods ready to go by purchasing them in advance. You should be resting, rather than have to run out to the store to get what you need. Have foods on hand like Jell-o, smoothies, mashed potatoes, soups, and really anything that doesn't require chewing. Plan to have enough of these foods to last you a few days until you can start chewing again. 

Follow All Recovery Instructions

Your dentist will give you instructions for what you should be doing to recover after the procedure. Make sure to read these instructions thoroughly and follow every step. This includes not using straws, not chewing on your gauze, foods to avoid, and other various tips that can cause complications with the surgical site. 

For more information on wisdom teeth removal, contact a dentist near you.
